Complete Nutrition for Diabetes Management
Formulation: Formulation: Per 100 g Vanilla ,Total fat 16.3 g, saturated fat 2 g, trans fat 0 g, monosaturated fatty acids 9.5 g, polyunsaturated fatty acids 4.8 g, &alpha,-linolenic acid 1,532 mg, cholesterol 0 mg, total carbohydrates 49 g, dietary fiber 8.8 g, fructooligosaccharides 4.4 g, dextrin 4.4 g, sugars 7.5 g, isomaltulose 5 g, lactose <,1 g, total protein 20 g, vit A 1,399 IU, vit D 196 IU, vit E 13 IU, vit K 30 mcg, vit B1 ,0.6 mg, vit B2 ,0.6 mg, vit B6 ,0.7 mg, vit B12 ,0.8 mcg, pantothenic acid 2.8 mg, niacin 6 mg, folic acid 110 mcg, vit C 50 mg, biotin 33 mcg, Na 400 mg, K 660 mg, Cl 440 mg, Ca 485 mg, P 265 mg, Mg 198 mg, Fe 6.6 mg, Zn 5.5 mg, copper 900 mcg, manganese 1,300 mcg, fluoride 300 mcg, selenium 31 mcg, chromium 150 mcg, molybdenum 53 mcg, iodine 65 mcg.
Indication: Food for Special Medical Purposes For Dietary Management of Protein-Energy Malnutrition associated with Type II Diabetes